Rujeko Funeral Services brand

Our Story

RFS(SA) is a registered funeral company that came into existence driven with the main aim of serving people from all walks of life. People live beautiful lives and depart from this earth into eternity. It is our resolve to accompany your loved ones to their resting places of choice, respecting your wishes and the wishes of the departed.
That the Lord chose to pluck his flower at a time and place unplanned mustn't add to your bereavement, we are here to provide a baobab shed to lighten your burden and give you hope in bereavement.
A person's wishes must be respected, some people want to rest next to their parents, wife, husband, siblings or in the land of their ancestors (Exodus 13 v 19). We help you fulfil such wishes. We have the means to take your loved ones to their resting place of choice in an environment that best soothes their wishes and matches their status during their lifetime.
We have a fleet of top of the range vehicles to take you to any parts of SADC countries, we also provide repatriation by air to any destination in the world.
We speak your language, we understand you, and we grieve with you.

Rujeko funerals vows to be a progressive and innovative in funeral and repatriations. We will continue to be family owned, operated and dedicated to the families we serve. We will hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and practices while providing meaningful services to each family.


To provide family mourning the loss of someone they loved with guidance, information, advice, and care during the bereavement process. To develop trust and lifetime relationships with families, community, our staff, and our suppliers. To always be a family serving families in their time of need

Our Values

Our customers are the reasons for our existence.
We value Client's trust and we respect their choice
We hold ourselves and conduct our business, to the highest standard of fairness, honesty and integrity.
We are committed to exceeding our customers expectations in every interaction
We value our reputation, appearance and facilities
Diligence is of great importance during administration of all aspects on our business

© Copyright 2022 Rujeko Funeral Services. All Rights Reserved.

Product of Charis Technologies

Charis Technologies